Our subscription options have expanded to offer you more options to create without limits! This is why we’ve expanded our offering for creators.


An Individual plan means you only need one seat. Individual plans include our Social Creator and Creator Pro options. Both offer full access to the catalog with our Unlimited license for use.


If you’re a content creator and only need a license to cover your personal projects, then our Social Creator plan is right for you.

If you’re making content on a number of different channels per platform as well as commercial or client work, then our Creator Pro plan is exactly what you need. 


For more info about our Individual plans, check out these solutions:

  1. Do I need a Social Creator or Creator Pro plan?
  2. Do you offer a monthly plan?
  3. What license do I need if I have more than 1 YouTube Channel?


Our Business options are meant for teams that need more than 1 seat or companies that have 100 or more employees. Our Team plan offers up to 7 seats and includes our Unlimited license for use, while our Enterprise option is a customized solution for large-scale organizations and use of the assets that’s not covered by our Unlimited license. Examples for Enterprise include broadcasters, app & game developers and custom license requests.


For more details, check out these solutions:

  1. What license do I need for my business?
  2. How do I know if I need an Enterprise license?
  3. I have a small business. What license do I need?


Sign up for your plan today! If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at any time.